Options Insider Radio Interviews

Options Insider Radio is the longest-running options podcast and the flagship program on the Options Insider Radio Network.

Options Insider Radio features unique and compelling interviews with the thought leaders, icons, radicals, movers and shakers that shape the options market.

Whether you are an options professional looking for insightful discussion about your industry or an active retail trader who wants a glimpse behind the scenes, this is the program for you.

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Options Insider Radio: Rock Out for the Cool Kids

Options Insider Radio: Rock Out for the Cool Kids

Mark talks with Mead Welles, founder of ALTSO, about their upcoming Rocktoberfest to help fund their mission of bringing life-changing mobility solutions to children living with limb disabilities around the world.

OIR INTERVIEWS: A New Flavor of Put-Call Ratio

OIR INTERVIEWS: A New Flavor of Put-Call Ratio

Is there a better way to calculate a more effective put/call ratio? Let’s find out on this episode of Options Insider Radio with Garrett DeSimone, Head of Quantitative Research, OptionMetrics.

OIR Interviews: Talking Volatility, Volume, And Risk With Dash

OIR Interviews: Talking Volatility, Volume, And Risk With Dash

How do you surveil and manage risk in an unprecedented environment where GME is trading at 1000% volatility and baskets of unrelated stocks are exploding to the moon? Let’s find out on this episode of Options Insider Radio with David Cross from Dash Financial.

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Mark Longo

Mark Longo


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