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Volatility Review: A mild selloff on the street caused by the ever-growing tensions in Ukraine. This would be a perfect time for VXST, but you will have to wait until April 10. TVIX gets a second life, whether it merits it or not. CBOE to expand VIX hours.?

Volatility Voicemail: What do you want to know?

  • Question from Charles Engel – Is there any way to buy and hold VXX without paying the inherent roll risk?
  • Comment from IfThen – Bitcoin cut in half after Mt. Gox – talk about volatility!
  • Question from C-Bug – Are there any products on the horizon that you think can dethrone VIX from the volatility throne? Vol Dex?
  • Question from Tom Wills, Eugene, OR – I remember you discussing a VIX call strategy that could out-perform direct SPX put spreads on an older episode, but I’m not sure which of your 100 episodes it was. Please help!?

Crystal Ball:? An outlook for VIX, RVX, and other VIX ETPs.