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Volatility Review: Most indices down 1% fueled by rumors out of Washington about a collapse in the deal over the impending “fiscal cliff.”

Listener Mail: So many questions for us to answer.

  • Tweet from Doc Hudson: What is your pick for volatility trade/product/development of the year?
  • Tweet from Man of Steel: What do people mean by ?selling or buying skew?? What are those trades?
  • Tweet from VIXen?- Why are iron condors so hot right now? Seems like everyone is selling them these days no matter the vol landscape.
  • Email from Sam Felis:?Why are the front-month VIX futures trading above the cash right now? I need the Vol Views pros to explain this to me.
  • Tweet from Sam Dash: Don — sell or don’t sell vol in 2013? Give me your thoughts?

The Crystal Ball: What can we expect to see in 2013?